Our OptiGROW nipple is manufactured from specifically selected chemical resistant stainless steel and encapsulated in an enlarged engineered thermoplastic housing. This unique design has a larger diameter triggering pin for maximum droplet retention to attract your birds.
The soft triggering of young birds allows smaller volumes of water to be delivered while the more aggressive triggering of older birds allows larger volumes of water to be delivered. This precise water delivery feature allows the birds to consume the necessary amount of water that is critical at each stage of their life for peak performance.
The design and size of the triggering pin inside the OptiGrow nipple holds a droplet, which attracts birds to the nipple to drink. This is especially important for day old chicks which leads to a healthy start.
360º side action triggering – Our broiler nipples offer easy triggering and get day-old birds off to the best start.
Exact water metering at every age – As birds grow they naturally increase the upward pressure which increases the volume of water released.
Simplistic design – The nipple design includes an all stainless steel insert, multi-stage metering pin, and triggering pin, which is encased in a thermoplastic housing.
Square pipe advantage – We use a square pipe which will not rotate and keeps nipples in an upright position. With a square pipe there is no need for a saddle.
LitterGard Cups – The LitterGard cups will catch the occasional drip in order protect the litter and improve environmental conditions.
Trouble-free performance – All metal components are manufactured with precision machined stainless steel and DO NOT require O-rings, seals or steel balls.
Aluminum rails or conduit – Choose from aluminum or conduit support.
Simple and quick assembly – Watering sections are shipped pre-assembled and ready to install.
Raised water entry point – The nipple’s raised water entry point inside the water pipe eliminates the possibility of sediments from entering the nipple.
Large surface area for water entry – Unlike the competition, our water metering pin has a large diameter which enables it to more effectively capture and direct water into the nipple.

LUBING Systems, L.P.
135 Corporate Dr, SW
Cleveland, TN 37311
P: 423-709-1000
F: 423-709-1001
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